Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Project Setup

Before running an analysis with the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier, you have to create a project, which is a container for an analysis target and analysis type configuration and data collection results.

By default, the VTune Amplifier XE creates a project in the $HOME/intel/amplxe/projects directory. VTune Amplifier for Systems creates a project in the $HOME/intel/amplsys/projects directory

To create a VTune Amplifier project:

  1. Open the Create a Project dialog box using any of the following options:

    • Click the menu button and select New > Project....

    • Click the New Project toolbar button.

    • Click the New Project... hyperlink in the Welcome page.

  2. In the Create a Project dialog box, configure the following settings:

    Use This

    To Do This

    Project Name field

    Enter the name of a new project.

    Location field and Browse button

    Choose or create a directory to contain the project. By default, the VTune Amplifier creates a project in the $HOME/intel/ampl/projects directory.


    Store all your project directories in the same location.

    Create Project button

    Create a container *.amplxeproj file and open the Choose Target and Analysis Type window to choose and configure an analysis target.

  3. Click the Create Project button.

    The New Amplifier Result tab opens.


You cannot run a performance analysis or import analysis data without creating a project.

What's Next

  1. Specify and configure an analysis target.

  2. Select an analysis type.

  3. Optionally, configure search directories.

  4. Run the performance analysis.

See Also