Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Hotspots Report

Use the hotspots command line report to identify program units (for example: functions, modules, or objects) that take the most processor time (Hotspots analysis), underutilize available CPUs (Concurrency analysis), have long waits (Locks and Waits analysis), and so on.

The report displays the hottest program units in the descending order by default, starting from the most performance-critical unit. The command-line reports provide the same data that is displayed in the default GUI analysis Viewpoint.


To display a list of available groupings for a Hotspots report, enter amplxe-cl -report hotspots -r <result_dir> group-by=?. If you do not specify a result directory, the latest result is used by default.


Example 1: Hotspots Report with Module Grouping

This example opens the Hotspots report for the r001hs Hotspots analysis result and groups the data by module.

$ amplxe-cl -report hotspots -r r001hs -group-by module

Module             CPU Time  
-----------------  -------- 
analyze_locks      10.080s
KERNELBASE          0.679s
ntdl                0.164s

Example 2: Hotspots Report with Limited Items

This example displays the Hotspots report for the r001hs analysis result including only the top two functions with the highest CPU Time values. Functions having insignificant impact on performance are excluded from output.

$ amplxe-cl -report hotspots -r r001hs -limit 2

Function          CPU Time
----------------  --------
grid_intersect      5.489s                   
sphere_intersect    3.590s

See Also