Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help


Limit the amount of raw data to be collected by setting the timer that enables the analysis only for the last seconds before the target or collection is terminated.

GUI Equivalent

Analysis Target Setup> Advanced > Limit collected data by: > Time from collection end, sec option





Timer (in sec)

Actions Modified

collect, collect-with


Use the ring-buffer action-option to limit the amount of raw data to be collected. The option sets the timer (in sec) that enables the analysis only for the last seconds before the target or collection is terminated.

Alternate Options

Limit the amount of raw data (in MB) to be collected.


Enable a Basic Hotspots analysis for the last 10 seconds before the collection is terminated.

 $ amplxe-cl -collect hotspots -ring-buffer=10 myApp

See Also