Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Context Menus: Project Navigator

Manage Intel® VTune™ Amplifier projects/results using the Project Navigator context menus.

Directory Context Menu

Right-click the directory of the current project to choose one of the following options:

Use This

To Do This

New Project...

Open the Create a Project dialog box to browse to or create a directory in which the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier will create a project (config.amplxeproj).

Open Project from New Location

Open the Select Project dialog box to browse to a directory containing VTune Amplifier projects.

Copy Path to Clipboard

Copy the path to the currently opened project to the system clipboard.

Project Context Menu

Right-click the project to access the following options:

Use This

To Do This

Open Project

Open the VTune Amplifier project.

Close Project

Close the current project and any opened results.

New Analysis...

Open the Analysis Type window to choose a predefined analysis type configuration or create a custom configuration based on the supported collection types.

<analysis type> Analysis

Rerun a recent analysis.

Close All Results

Close all opened results for this project.

Delete Project

Immediately delete the selected project and associated results from the Project Navigator and file system.

Configure Project...

Open the Choose Target and Analysis Type window to review or change current project properties.

Rename Project

Rename the selected project in the Project Navigator immediately and in the file system after you close the project or exit the VTune Amplifier.

Copy Project Path to Clipboard

Copy the path to the selected project to the system clipboard.

Result Context Menu

Right-click the result to choose one of the following options:

Use This

To Do This

Open Result

Open the VTune Amplifier result.

Re-resolve and Open

Finalize the selected result again. You may use this option after changing the search directories settings to enable updating the symbol information. This option is available if the result is NOT open in the grid.


Open the Compare Results window and select a result to compare the current result with.

Delete Result

Delete the selected result from the Project Navigator and file system.

Rename Result

Rename the selected result in the Project Navigator immediately and in the file system after you close the result or project, or exit the VTune Amplifier.


The corresponding result directory in the file system is not renamed.

Copy Result Path to Clipboard

Copy the path to the selected result to the system clipboard.

See Also