Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Window: Platform Power Analysis

Use the Platform Power Analysis viewpoint to review, visualize, and interpret power and energy data collected using Intel® SoC Watch.

Energy analysis data collected by Intel SoC Watch version 2.3 or later on an Android* or Linux* device can be imported into Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems and visualized with the Platform Power Analysis viewpoint. The Summary window is always present, but other windows within the viewpoint will vary depending on the metrics collected with Intel SoC Watch. For example, the ddr-bw metrics are visualized on the DDR Bandwidth window. The metrics available to you will depend on your device hardware and operating system. Review the Intel SoC Watch User's Guide for your operating system for detailed information on each metric.

Collection and Visualization Method

Energy data is collected and visualized using the following mechanisms:

See Also