Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Intel® Energy Profiler Analysis with VTune Amplifier for Systems

Intel® System Studio introduces the Intel Energy Profiler. The Intel Energy Profiler uses the Intel® SoC Watch command-line tool to collect metrics that describe a system's power consumption. The metrics data is then copied to a host system where the data is visualized using Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems. Using the data visualization and various reports generated by Intel SoC Watch, a user can measure, debug, and optimize system power consumption.

Energy Analysis on a Remote System

Energy analysis for Android*, Linux*, or Windows* OS target systems requires installing a command line collector (Intel SoC Watch collector) on the target system and then running a collection manually. For more information, see Energy Analysis Workflow With Intel Energy Profiler.

To view the energy analysis results collected on the target system, import your result file (*.pwr file on Android or Linux targets or *.sww1 file on Windows targets) to the VTune Amplifier for Systems graphical interface. VTune Amplifier displays the result in the Platform Power Analysis viewpoint, providing data on the following metrics:

For detailed documentation on Intel Energy Profiler components, see Intel SoC Watch User's Guide in the <install_dir>/documentation/<language> directory.

Energy Analysis Results in VTune Amplifier for Systems

VTune Amplifier for Systems displays the results of the energy analysis in the Platform Power Analysis viewpoint with the following windows. Some windows may or may not appear, depending on the data collected:

See Also